Sunday, October 19, 2014


Yesterday we were greeted by the incredible people of Ngaamba. I was overcome with emotion when an entire village came into the road to meet our bus. They were singing and dancing, hugging and kissing us like they had been waiting all their lives for us to come. Later we were told they see us as a blessing from God. We are Jesus walking on earth. They have prayed for us and their prayers were answered. It rained the night we arrived and they said that happened because we had come. I cannot even begin to describe how all of this made me feel and will attempt at some point when I have more time. But, I don't feel worthy of this. I am just some girl from Atlanta. It is so hard to wrap my head and my heart around. I was reminded last night though that these people see me through Gods eyes. I am perfectly made in his hands and I am worthy of singing and dancing in the streets in my honor. I am also worthy of God's amazing love and grace and it is time I fully accept that. I am grateful for these people. I am a difference maker.

1 comment:

  1. Alison, if only you could see yourself as those villagers see you! Your love, courage, smile, skills, compassion are God working in and through you. God has no hands or feet but ours; your decision to be God's hands, voice, smile and healing angel is a priceless gift of yourself. John, Duke and I are enfolding you in this prayer:

    The Light of God surrounds you, the Love of God enfolds you, the Power of God protects you and the Presence of God watches over you. Wherever you are, God is.
